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Take a Frog.

2 Nov

In a Glass Grimmly (A Tale Dark & Grimm, #2)In a Glass Grimmly by Adam Gidwitz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this quickly before passing along to my daughter. I wanted to make sure it was “appropriate”. Not that it didn’t have violence (it does! entrails and blood to be exact!) or language (it does! Something similar to and completely unlike German in fact!) or chills and scares (giants,evil mermaids, goblins and a flame-breathing lizard are just for beginners!) but I was reading it to be “appropriate” in another way.

In message and in theme, it is fantastic. As a grown boy, I saw the moral a million miles away but as the note I put into the book before mailing to my young daughter says…

“There is a moral here but don’t worry too much about it. It is also a very fun book and by the time you hear the moral in the end you won’t mind it all because you will have figured it all out on your own by then”.

Take a long look in the mirror both before and after this book. Tell me if you see anything new after. If not, then it might be time for an adventure or two. I suggest you take a friend and a frog if you can.

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